Top Ten X-Files Monsters
These are our favorite actual monsters from the X-Files "Monsters of the Week" episodes. Not to be confused with villains or spirits... We know a few are slipping through the cracks, but they can't ALL be great... more...
Top Ten X-Files Episodes
Some X-Philes prefer Conspiracy episodes while others prefer Monsters of the Week – neither is better than the other... We will not get in the middle of Mulder vs. Scully-based arguments... Just because Chris Carter wrote and directed an episode, doesn't automatically put it at the top... more...
The Next Top Ten X-Files Episodes
Here's another batch of shows that didn't quite make our top ten but are deserving of recognition and discussion. The same caveats applied to our top ten discussion apply here too. Be prepared to disagree with us at least some of the time, and happy obsessing... more...
The Best X-Files Season
Very often at family gatherings across America this issue comes up. What truly is the best season of The X- Files? Punches have been thrown, wine glasses have been broken, but I'm here to clear things up and end this epic, possibly-never-ending debate.... more...
The Top-Ten Underrated X-Files Episodes
These are episodes which perhaps were not critically acclaimed at the time, and not awarded Emmy after Emmy. They are however definitely worth watching again and again, and are just about as enjoyable as my Top Ten... more...
Mulder-Scully Romance
You didn't think we were gonna talk all about the X-Files without diving into this, did you? Didn't think so...
Season 2 Romance •
Season 4 Romance •
Season 6 Romance •
Season 7 Romance •
Season 8 Romance
Movie Review: The X-Files: Fight the Future (1998)
The X-Files: Fight The Future is really a buddy sci-fi flick intended as one big episode of the television series... It can be watched self-contained, without knowing anything about the characters and plots from the series, but really is not intended to be taken that way.
Movie Review: The X-Files: I Want to Believe (2008)
So it's been six years since the motel room, we open with Scully alive and well wearing a doctor's robe. Livin' the dream! But Scully doesn't want her little boy patient to die. His name is Christian, and he looks to be about 9 to 11. Coincidentally almost the same age as her own son... out there somewhere... more...